White Fang by Jack London
White Fang by Jack London
The Grammardog Guide to White Fang contains 16 analytical multiple choice quizzes with a total of over 250 questions. These multiple choice questions based on text sentences from the novel by Jack London are excellent teaching tools, providing the basis for thoughtful, engaging activities for your students.
Figurative language and allusions are characteristic of Naturalism: "On the sled in a box lay a third man whose toil was over -- a man whom the Wild had conquered and beaten down until he would never move nor struggle again." "So there was no damming up the tide of life that was rising within him." "The night yawned about him." "some strange freak of Chance," "ruled over by Chance, merciless, planless, endless," "Fortune seemed to favor him."
58 pages, ISBN 978-1-60857-035-5